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Be prepared for the upcoming updates for this month of June as we move towards to the 2nd part of Season 2 Ep1.
We also encourage everyone to share your thoughts with the Admin so that we can add other updates in the coming months.
🎗 Item Max Level +13 Upgrade [+5% Added on Current Chaos Mix Rate]
🎗 Item Max Jewel of Life Option +16 Upgrade [No Accessories]
🎗 New Item Drops 380 Parts [CryWolf/K6] and Armor & Weapons [Kundun/Balgas]
🎗 Happy Hour Event 8PM-11PM Daily [+20% EXP/+10 Drop Rate]
🎗 NEW Lucky Wheel In-game [Requires Jewels to Play]
🎗 NEW Golden Archer Exchange NPC [Goblin Points]
🎗 NEW Chaos Card NPC and Chaos Card Item [CashShop/Wheel]
🎗 Change Drop of Golden Dekron to BOK+4 [Monster Stats + 50%]
🎗 Add Jewel of Bless/Soul/Creation Drop on Box of Luck
🎗 Increase Drop Rate of Claw in CryWolf Map
🎗 Preparation for Castle Siege Official Schedule [July]
🎗 Preparation for Mini Duel Master 3 Character Class [DW/FE/DK]

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Server Info

Experience5x | 10x
Drop10x | 15x
Total Accounts2,081
Total Characters2,823
Total Guilds34
Online Users302

Castle Siege

Castle Owner

Guild Master
Castle Preparation

Castle Siege Battle
6 hours 0 minutes

Castle Information


Starts In

Starts In

Starts In

Starts In

Starts In

Starts In

Starts In

Starts In

Starts In

Starts In

Top Level+

markBlade Knight400
MIGUELSoul Master400
type25Muse Elf400
ZiLCHMuse Elf400
BossAmoBlade Knight400
HannahMuse Elf400
KimJongUnMagic Gladiator400
TheKingMagic Gladiator400
AEnamoMuse Elf400
MAYORAMuse Elf400
LetzGoMuse Elf400
ediwowMuse Elf400
ChicchaiMuse Elf400
RyzenBlade Knight400
LITHIUMBlade Knight400
RengokuBlade Knight400
KamikazeeBlade Knight400
VariousMuse Elf400
KrakenBlade Knight400
ZenitsuSoul Master400

Top Killers+

RyzenBlade Knight849
BENELLIMagic Gladiator663
SWIFTYBlade Knight579
FreeHitBlade Knight555
BlasTerMagic Gladiator476
TAKSILBlade Knight471
KAWAZAKIBlade Knight438
SadnessMuse Elf412
KrakenBlade Knight381
xMananabasMagic Gladiator379
PkBoyGMuse Elf362
GameMasterMagic Gladiator361
TheKingMagic Gladiator321
RIZALMagic Gladiator281
SanPedroMagic Gladiator271
VoylaboBlade Knight269
GnarlyMagic Gladiator262
BREAKERMagic Gladiator258
sonatasMuse Elf252
BUNALBlade Knight192